Meet the InterSoccer Team

InterSoccer is the largest supplier of grassroots Football in Switzerland for Boys & Girls of all ages with a perfect mix of recreational & competitive Football. We offer a wide variety of Courses & Camps from 1 to 5 days for 3-13 years old throughout the year geared towards fun & learning new skills in a challenging & safe environment. We officially started out in Geneva in 2007 & have now expanded to include venues within Vaud, Basel, Zug & Zurich cantons with well over 9,000 Children coached per year, in our Courses & Camps, at schools and through other InterSoccer activities.

Everybody is welcome at InterSoccer, no matter experienced they are. We encourage everyone to have fun, be confident, make friends & be as competitive as you like.

Whether we are indoors or outdoors we want the children to enjoy playing Football in a safe and secure environment. All our coaches are First Aid trained. For us, ensuring a child’s health and safety is the most important aspect of our services.

All of our coaches are bilingual and all of our programmes are run with a focus on English. Switzerland has a great International community and we want everyone to feel welcome. This is a great chance for children to develop language skills while playing sport.

We put a great emphasis on Fair Play and Sportsmanship, showing appreciation for the opposition, teammates and learning how to lose and to win respectfully.

Many of our coaches are qualified by the biggest European Football association, the UEFA, making them capable of raising almost any Child from grassroots to technically advanced players.


Hi, I’m Steve Long – CEO of InterSoccer. Although originally from the UK, together with my young family I now call Switzerland home! In 2007 I started InterSoccer with a vision of creating a community for families and young children centered around Football, Fun, Friendship and Fair Play. Over the years we’ve built an incredible team of passionate individuals, whose love for the beautiful game has inspired boys and girls of all abilities, to come together for the joy of Football.

I’m extremely proud of our dynamic team, who come from all walks of life. All of our coaches are not only highly experienced and great with kids but they are also bilingual! I strongly believe this is key to the success of our programs and helping participants to feel safe and welcomed each and every day.

Meet Our Coach Coordinators

Meet Joel Saunders, the Regional Coach Coordinator for Geneva/Versoix & Vaud. He is a dedicated leader with a passion for empowering individuals through sports. With years of experience in coaching and mentorship, Joel, who holds a Jeunesse et Sport Diplome D, fosters a culture of excellence and teamwork within the region’s sporting community. Joel is fluent in French & English and has been with InterSoccer for over 5 years, originally starting as a Coach in Versoix.

Meet Jeran Counser, the Regional Coach Coordinator for Basel, Zug, and Zurich. Jeran is an accomplished leader in sports coaching and coordination. Fluent in both German and English, with roots in the United States, he brings a diverse perspective to his role, complemented by his Jeunesse et Sport Diplome D qualification. Jeran fosters a culture of excellence and camaraderie within the region’s sporting community and has been with InterSoccer for over 5 years. Jeran has in his time at InterSoccer helped to develop our many coaches in the German speaking Cantons of Switzerland.

Meet Our Geneva/Versoix Coaches

Meet Our Vaud Coaches

Meet Our Zug & Zurich Coaches

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