InterSoccer has access to over 60 venues all over Switzerland for its Camps & Courses!

Some venues we use more often than others but here is a definitive list to provide some basic details to help you with things like directions, parking facilities and amenities available to players and spectators in all venues.

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Geneva – Centre sportif Bout-du-Monde (nr Carouge and Champel)

Address: Centre Sportif Bout du Monde, Rte de Vessy 12

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor and outdoor facilities, Plan of the venue: http://www.ville-geneve.ch/fileadmin/public/Departement_3/sport/centre-sportif-bout-du-monde-plan-ville-de-geneve.pdf

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Geneva – Centre Sportif Chenois/Stade des Trois Chenes, Thonex

Address: Route de Sous-Moulin 28, 1225 Chêne-Bourg, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Facilities near the city centre with a closed all-weather pitch - the pitch is in front of Centre Sportif Sous Moulin. You can park in the P+R of Sous-Moulin and walk across the road, or there is a bit of parking at the Centre Sportif Chenois.

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Etoy-Morges – Centre Sportif d’Etoy

Address: La Tuilière 12, 1163 Etoy, Schweiz

Directions: Googlemaps


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Nyon – Centre Sportif de Colovray

Address: Route de Genève 37, 1260 Nyon, Suisse

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Grass and Synthetic Pitch

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Versoix-Mies – Centre Sportif de Founex

Address: Route de Chataigneriaz, 1297 Founex, Vaud, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Versoix-Mies – Centre Sportif de Mies

Address: Route de Veytay 9, 1295 Mies, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Grass Pitch

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Versoix-Mies – Centre Sportif de Versoix

Address: Route de l'Etraz 201, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Safe & enclosed outdoor full-size astro-turf pitch. Indoor & outdoor tennis courts, outdoor swimming pool, athletics track, children’s play area, restaurant & large parking area.

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Geneva – Centre sportif de Vessy (nr Champel)

Address: Route de Vessy 31, Veyrier, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Near Geneva city centre, wide range of sports facilities including full-size football pitches. With a restaurant and large parking.

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Geneva – Centre Sportif du Bois-des-Frères

Address: Chemin de l'Ecu 22, 1219 Vernier, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: All-Weather Pitch

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Geneva – Centre Sportif Varembé (nr. Nations)

Address: Rue de Vermont 33, 1202 Genève, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: nr. Nations, 3 synthetic pitches, Plan of Varembé venue: http://www.ville-geneve.ch/fileadmin/public/Departement_3/sport/centre-sportif-varembe-plan-ville-de-geneve.pdf

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Geneva – Collège Calvin

Address: Rue Théodore De-Bèze 2-4, 1206 Geneva, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor Gym

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Lausanne – Collège Champittet – Pully

Address: Chem. de Champittet 1, 1009 Pully

Directions: Googlemaps


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Lausanne – Collège de Fontanettaz

Address: Chemin de Fontanettaz 22, 1009 Pully, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor gym

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Geneva – Collège de Sécheron (Nations)

Address: Av. Blanc 1-3, 1202 Genève, Schweiz

Directions: Googlemaps


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Lausanne – Collège Jules Loth, Pully

Address: Av. des Collèges 14, 1009 Pully, Suisse

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor Gym

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Geneva – Collège Sismondi (Nations)

Address: Chemin Eugène-Rigot, 1202 Genève, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: 3 Indoor gyms

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Geneva – Collex-Bossy

Address: Route de Vireloup 1239, Collex-Bossy, Switzerland



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Nyon – Couchant Primary School

Address: Chemin du Couchant 1, 1260 Nyon, Schweiz

Directions: Googlemaps


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Geneva – EC Raymond Uldry

Address: Chemin du Domaine-Patry 1, 1224 Chêne-Bougeries, Schweiz

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor Gym

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Nyon – Ecole Montessori Deux Mille Feuilles, La Rippe

Address: Route des Bois 2, 1278 La Rippe, Switzerland



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Nyon – Ecole Secondaire de Nyon-Marens

Address: Rte du Stand 5, 1260 Nyon, Suisse

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor gyms

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Geneva – Ecolint (La Grand Bossiere – LGB)

Address: Rue Marie-Thérèse-Maurette 7 (anciennement Route de Chêne 62) 1208 Genève

Directions: Googlemaps


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Etoy-Morges – Etoy, Place des Sports/ Salle Polyvalente Voirie

Address: Route de la Gare 15, 1163 Etoy, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Salle Polyvalente Voirie is located between Etoy Gare and Etoy on Route de la Gare. The complex has tennis courts and is home to FC Etoy.

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Zug – FC Baar

Address: Lättichstrasse 25 in 6340 Baar

Directions: Googlemaps


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Basel – FC Reinach (Basel Land)

Address: Reinach, Schweiz

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zug – FC Rotkreuz

Address: Buonaser Strasse 29, 6343 Rotkreuz, Zug, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zurich – FC Seefeld (nr Kusnacht)

Address: Sportanlage Lengg, Bleulerstrasse 49, 8008 Zürich

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Close to Kusnacht & Zurich with safe enclosed grass pitch, small all-weather pitch & restaurant.

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Geneva – Geneva English School, Genthod

Address: Route de Malagny 36, 1294 Genthod, Suisse

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Grass Pitch

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Geneva – Grand-Saconnex, Centre Sportif du Blanché (nr Nations)

Address: Route de Colovrex 58, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Suisse

Directions: Googlemaps


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Geneva – HEPIA Genève

Address: Rue de la Prairie 4, 1202 Genève, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor Gym

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Zurich – Inter-Community School Zürich (Zumikon)

Address: Strubenacher 3, 8126 Zumikon, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: For Winter courses, an indoor facility. For Spring and Autumn courses a Grass Pitch, Multi-Purpose venue

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Lausanne – International School of Lausanne, Le Mont

Address: Chemin de la Grangette 2, 1052 Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Synthetic Outdoor Pitch and triple indoors facilities available

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Zug – International School of Zug & Luzern (Baar)

Address: Walterswil, 6340 Baar, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: All-weather pitch near Baar with indoor sports hall for wet weather. Close to Luzern, Zug and Zurich.

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Zug – International School of Zug and Luzern-Riverside Campus Hunenberg

Address: Rothusstrasse 4B, 6331 Hünenberg, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Basel – Landhof

Address: Landhof Football Pitch, Riehenstrasse 78A, 4058 Basel



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Zurich – Langnau am Albis (nr Thalwil)

Address: Sihltalstrasse 55, 8135 Langnau am Albis, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Close to A3 autobahn near to Thalwil, Langnau. Enclosed all-weather pitch.

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Lausanne – Mallieu Gym, Pully

Address: Chemin des Vignes 20, 1009 Pully, Switzerland



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Zurich – Milandia Migros Sport- und Erlebnispark

Address: Im Grossriet 1 8606 Greifensee

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Outdoor pitch

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Basel – Pfaffenholz

Address: Im Burgfelderhof, 4055 Basel, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor and Outdoor venue. Synthetic pitch

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Versoix-Mies – Salle Polyvalente, Chavannes des Bois

Address: Route de Sauverny 282, 1290 Chavannes-des-Bois, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zug – SC Cham – Sportanlage Eizmoos

Address: Eizmoosweg, 6330 Cham, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Home of football club SC Cham with artificial & natural lawn pitches.

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Basel – School house Lysbüchel

Address: Elsässerstrasse 215, Basel, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor gym hall

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Basel – Schulhalle Margarethen

Address: Gempenstrasse 46, 4053 Basel, Suisse

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zurich – Schulhaus Buechholz

Address: Buchholzstrasse 11, 8702 Zollikon, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor Gym

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Basel – Schulhaus Erlenmatt

Address: Erlenmattstrasse 9, Basel, Schweiz

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Gym Hall

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Zurich – Schulhaus Itschnach, Küsnacht

Address: Schulhaus Itschnach, Sonnenrain 47, 8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: 2 Indoor spacious gyms situated one above the other

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Zurich – Schulhaus Oescher

Address: Schulhaus Oescher B, Buchholzstrasse 24, Zollikon, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Opposite the Buechholz school complex. The entrance to the gym is on the ground floor.

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Zurich – Spielraum Farlifang Zumikon

Address: Dorfstrasse 45, 8126 Zumikon, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor sport facility

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Basel – Sportanlage Bäumlihof

Address: Zu den drei Linden, 4058 Basel, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zurich – Sportanlage Fallacher, Küsnacht

Address: Zumikerstrasse 90, 8700 Küsnacht, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zurich – Sportanlage Hochweid

Address: Hochweidstrasse 9, 8802 Kilchberg

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zurich – Sportanlage Tufi, Adliswil

Address: Tüfistrasse 16, 8134 Adliswil, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zurich – Sportanlagen AG Wallisellen

Address: Zielackerstrasse 26, 8304 Wallisellen, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Basel – Sportanlagen Bachgraben, Allschwil

Address: Hegenheimermattweg 150, 4123 Allschwil, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Synthetic all-weather pitch with easy access from most of Basel.

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Zug – Sports Zugerland

Address: Riedstrasse 1A, 6330 Cham, Schweiz

Directions: Googlemaps


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Basel – St. Jakobshalle

Address: Brüglingerstrasse 21, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor venue

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Geneva – Stade de Belle-Idée, Chêne-Bourg

Address: Stade de Belle-Idée, Chemin du Petit-Pont, Chêne-Bourg

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Outdoor synthetic football pitch

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Geneva – Stade de Frontenex, Cologny

Address: Stade de Frontenex, Plateau de Frontenex, Cologny, Geneve

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Outdoor synthetic pitch, Plan of the venue: http://www.ville-geneve.ch/fileadmin/public/Departement_3/sport/stade-frontenex-plan-ville-de-geneve.pdf

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Lausanne – Stade de Rochettaz, FC Pully

Address: Avenue de Rochettaz 48, Pully, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: All-weather pitch close to autoroute for those from Lausanne, Vevey, Montreux.

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Geneva – Stade des Evaux, Onex

Address: Chemin des Evaux 20, 1219 Genève, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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Basel – Stadion Rankhof, Basel City (nr Riehen and Hirzbrunnen)

Address: Grenzacherstrasse 405, 4058 Basel, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Grass Pitch

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Zurich – Tennis & Squash Center Sihltal Langnau

Address: Sihltalstrasse 63, 8135 Langnau am Albis, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Indoor sport facility

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Lausanne – University of Lausanne (UNIL+EPFL)

Address: Dorigny, Lausanne, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: all-weather pitches

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Geneva – Varembé- Trembley pitch (nr Nations)

Address: Avenue Giuseppe Motta 22, Geneva, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Football pitch in park Trembley

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– Vevey – Haut Lac International School- Primary Campus GYM

Address: Chemin de Pangires 26, 1806 St-Légier-La Chiésaz, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: Brand new triple gym!

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Basel – Volta Gym (Turnhalle Volta)

Address: Mülhauserstrasse 26, 4056 Basel, Suisse

Directions: Googlemaps

Details: New large indoor facility

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Zurich – Zurich International School, Lower School in Wädenswil

Address: Steinacherstrasse 140, Wädenswil, Schweiz

Directions: Googlemaps


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Zurich – Zurich International School, Upper School in Adliswil

Address: Eichenweg 2, 8134 Adliswil, Switzerland

Directions: Googlemaps


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