Weekend Football is kicking off again

InterSoccer’s dynamic weekend courses are designed to nurture soccer passion and skills, our courses focus on development, teamwork, fitness, and fun, offering a holistic experience for growth on and off the field.

Tailored Coaching by Age:

Understanding each child’s journey is unique, our experienced coaches deliver age-appropriate training. Whether beginning or refining skills, our exercises challenge and support growth.

Fostering Team Spirit:

Beyond individual progress, teamwork and camaraderie take center stage. Through interactive activities, kids learn cooperation and communication, fostering friendships beyond just soccer.

Fun and Fitness Combined:

Weekend courses blend skill-building with healthy activity. Let your kids burn energy while kicking goals! We ensure that fitness meets enjoyment in all our kids courses.

Structured Progression, Confidence Building:

Structured growth encourages confidence. Starting with basics and advancing, kids conquer challenges, boosting self-esteem for soccer and life.

Diverse Courses:

Choose from a variety of courses tailored to age and interest:

  • Weekend Mini Soccer (3-4 yrs): Kick-start your little one’s soccer journey with Mini Soccer! Through fun games and activities, our coaches introduce basic soccer skills in an environment tailored to their tiny feet.
  • Weekend Fun Footy (5-7 yrs): or the energetic explorers, Fun Footy provides an engaging blend of soccer drills and imaginative play, nurturing a love for the game while honing essential skills.
  • Weekend Soccer League (8-12 yrs): Aspiring soccer stars aged 8-12 can showcase their prowess in the Soccer League. With focused training and friendly competition, kids refine their abilities while enjoying the thrill of match play.
  • Girls’ Soccer (5-12 yrs): Our girls-only courses foster a supportive atmosphere for young female players to develop skills, build confidence, and bond with fellow soccer enthusiasts. For a limited time only you can also redeem 20% off all girls-only football acitvity with InterSoccer!

Safety Assured:

Safety is paramount. Vigilant coaches maintain a secure environment, prioritizing a safe and enjoyable experience.

Don’t forget that you can also book a FREE Trial, find out more here!

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SWISS National Day: Get 15% OFF All Camps & Courses